martes, 8 de abril de 2008

Values when educating for success

To educate to success is important to instil values to people since childhood. All people have values like liberty, honesty, bravery, humility, love, peace, respect, responsibility, tolerance, unity, helps, friendship, charity, loyalty, social equality, collaboration, generosity, solidarity, comprehension, among others, but for be success there are some values that are fundamentals. This essay will examine some values that are important when educating for success.
First of all, when somebody is educating for success a significant value is honesty, because according to Viviana Pena in her article "Habits and values of success"publicized in, say that it is important to act in conformity with the ethics to reach the proposed goals. In addition, statistics show in Colombia that values as commitment, perseverance, confidence and responsibility are fundamental in order that any person could triumph and be successful.
Nevertheless, other values like the attitude of service, the objectivity, the autoesteem or the punctuality, etc. They don´t less important for when anyone is educating for success. To have success it is necessary to know what we are, to recognize and accept our capacities, skills, areas of opportunity and also our flaws. In the book " What it means to educate in value today?" their authors explain that to educate in value today it is to form authentic citizens who can assume consciously the challenges of the globalization and to could promise in the construction of one more just world, more inclusive, equitable and intercultural.
In conlusion, values when educating for success are important instil since childhood. Besides, to success, values, all in general, are fundamental; in my view, they help to people to be good person and the most significant also values help them to obtain success when have been educated with dedication and love.

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